From Reindeers, to Krampus, and light roasted beans!
1. Santa is known to leave coal for naughty children, but when it’s the parents who have been naughty instead, he stuffs their children’s stockings with thermoses full of light roast coffee. Good luck catching those kids on Christmas morning!
2. The Christmas Monster known as Krampus is popularly depicted as Santa’s evil counterpart who goes around punishing naughty children and generally being an all-out disagreeable grouch. The truth is, Krampus isn’t just a crabby creature of lore, the spirit of Krampus is alive and well in all the people who run out of coffee over the holiday weekend when all the stores are closed!

3. At the North Pole, Elves (the tundra’s natural high-speed workers) are strictly forbidden from drinking coffee. Why? You might ask. Well, we’ve got two words for you: Spontaneous Combustion.
4. On the other hand, Reindeer are given a special strong brew of coffee on Christmas Eve. Legend says it’s the magic ingredient that helps them fly!
5. Contrary to popular belief, Santa doesn’t simply drink every cup of milk left out for him on Christmas Eve. He pours them into his barrel sized thermos of coffee – how else is he supposed to make it through the night?
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