How to make pour-over coffee

Pour-over is the method of pouring hot water over fresh filtered coffee grounds. The filter helps control the rate at which water flows through, extracting flavor from your grounds. For delicious results, you’ll need to use a precise ratio of coffee to water, and to control the coarseness of your coffee grounds, the temperature of the water, and the speed of your pour.

Most recipes suggest using 25 to 30 grams of coffee and about 400 grams of water for a 12-ounce portion. The coffee ground should be medium-fine, and the water should be heated to between 196 and 203 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour your water in a steady spiral motion from the center to the edge, every 45 seconds.

Your pour-over setup will need the following:

  1. a dripper with a filter
  2. a gooseneck kettle with an extended, narrow neck, for heating and pouring water methodically
  3. a good burr grinder, for grinding your coffee evenly
  4. a scale, for precisely measuring water and grounds
  5. a timer, to monitor your brew time


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