- Espresso is flat with very little or no cream:
- Grind may be too coarse.
- Use coffee that has been ground just prior to brewing.
- Let the machine warm up a little longer.
- Pack coffee with more pressure.
- Preheat pouring glasses.
- Espresso is muddy, watery and bitter:
- Select a Coarser Grind.
- Place more coffee in porta-filter. Fill to the rim before packing.
- Steam lacks adequate volume:
- The wand is clogged with milk or sugar crystals. Soak wand nozzle and bleed wand.
- The porta– filter keeps popping out of the group when extracting:
- Too much coffee is being placed in filter baskets. Keep coffee just under basket rim before packing.
- Espresso takes too long to extract and produces dark brown specks:
- Begin extraction as soon as coffee is placed in the group. Coffee oils will burn if held in the group before extracting.
- Water leaks from porta-filter or group:
- Rubber group gasket is worn and needs replacement,
- Coffee pours out too quickly:
- Grind is too coarse. Correct fitness to a 20-25 sec pour.
- Coffee pours out too slowly:
- Grind is too fine. Correct fitness to a 20-25 sec pour.